•• Notification Menu: • Menu Bar Notification: Selecting this option would cause an icon to flash in the menu bar on top the Apple icon in the top left corner of the screen. This option allows the user to receive a signal from the calendar which would not interfere with any on going task that the user is involved with at the time. For example any audio sounds would be undesirable in a business meeting or during a phone conversation. • Audio Notification: Selection of this menu item would cause the VoiceCalendar to play a soft ring every five seconds when the reminder is due. This provides the user with audio feedback while keeping the playback of the actual message optional. This handy when the message contains private or sensitive material and therefore the playback of the actual message would be at the user's discretion. • Play Actual Message: By selecting this option, user can require the VoiceCalendar to go ahead and play the actual message when the reminder becomes due. User is free to choose all or any combination of the three options above to fit their type of needs and requirements.